Sunday, May 7

Anniversary Baby!

On the 27th of April Kate and I celebrated our first year together. "What could I do for her at the weekend?" I asked myself. I came up with the idea of watching baseball at the new Douliou Stadium (built in 2005). The whole day was a surprise so Kate had no clue what I was doing, until we turned a corner and she commented on the cool stadium and I started driving towards it. She suddenly realised what was coming and was sparkling all day. We had a fabulous day watching The Elephants (Douliou team) beat the Whales. We now have The Elephants T-Shirts, cap, key rings and plastic noise making thingamabobs, so we're planning to return and support the Elephants soon.

I also bought her a fabulous chinkalicious watch, which I'm proud to say she actually wears...

The stadium with mountain backdrop.

The novices use the bangy things wrong until a local helps us.

Kate has the "23" Elephants T-Shirt... and here he is in action.

We happened upon a packet of Hula Hoops!

The crowd-pleasing, riot-inciting band.

Pleased with my noise and general lack of rhythm.

Kate had the trumpet and bangy things!

Looking down onto the stadium.

The final score.

Yay! We Won!!!!

Afterwards stopped somewhere for a spot to eat and drink... hahaha.



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