Monday, August 15

Whet your appetite

At long last I have got my fingers on some photos. I had a 3 week holiday to the UK in June, these are the photos just after my arrival back in Taiwan. The photos taken during my vacation are being sent in the post, as the CD I brought with me was corrupt.

  1. In the Kitchen

  2. Dongpu Mountain Spa

  3. Daan Beach

  4. (Dili) Sun Moon Lake camping

Learning to use a knife and fork after a long time of chopstick usage.

The day was long, the students remorseless, my nerves shattered, need to recover.

First weekend away to Dongpu. Raining and windy, just before the Haitang typhoon hit the east coast. Scary drive home!

It's Katie looking wet.

Me wet. Trying to figure out which way the camera goes.

Next weekend the beach. Standing on Daan Beach on the West Coast, just north of Taichung.

Some fatso showing off his milk bottle tan! Oh, the shame.

The aesthetically offensive concrete beach front.

Driving through Taichung on the way back from Daan.

Some random birds having fun.

Boys having fun on the beach.

The fun's over now. Go home.

Now this is in Dili. We were trying to go camping, but the Haitang typhoon had wreaked havoc on the mountain roads. Two big landslides stopped us in our tracks. We decide to turn around (after 2 hours of driving) to head for Sun Moon Lake. This is the second and biggest one. The only things that can get over it are fearless men on scramblers. Grrrrrr.

General chaos.

The 5 metres of thick, warm mud that precedes the landslide overpowers a weak and helpless girl. Walking through the mud is a little like walking through warm porridge, if you've ever tried it.

The mud tan, quite the craze here.

The rain that came with the typhoon created the deep and fast flowing mud river, which we would have had to cross to get to the campsite.

Loads more to come when I get settled. Moving on September 20th and no internet connection at new apartment. Will get it upgraded and back online in due course.


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