Saturday, October 22

T&G's Leaving Do

The time for Tom and Grainne's farwell is all but over. So it was on this sad occasion that we celebrated the time they'd spent with us. We did the celebrating at Bert's restuarant and these photos are a slice of the revelry.

Stu giving one of his deep, manly looks.

Camy and Kate having lots of fun.

Janelle and Neill looking cool Canadian style.

Michelle is looking at the moon and wondering whether to turn into a werewolf!

Just hanging

Oh, look at those two, like two peas in a pod.

Whoops, bunny, bunny, whoops, bunny....

Monica and Grainne in mid-talky flow.

Look, our eyes aren't red and blotchy because we use recreational drugs. Great!

What a good yarn Tom tells.

I like it when you do that with my toes.

Civalised chat about politics.

OK arty farty wanker, stop it!

The view from our new apartment bedroom.

This one wooes the ladies every time. Come to me ladies.

Moody, shop shot.



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