Wednesday, May 31

Tienchung (again), Goodbye Katie, Dragon Boat Festival (again)

Been very busy lately, with all that is involved in leaving a country and start traveling. We are both making progress towards getting it all done and I hope to have most of it completed within the week now I've stopped teaching.

So for a bit of a retro-blog! This is a summary of some things I've been up to last month. Terrible of me, but I'm going to find time to update!

This time we went with friends, Ross, Rea and Katie to share the wonderful 3km hike around a mountain ridge not too far from Yuanlin. We picked a perfect day but with no breeze, it was a struggle to keep going and not stop and sleep!

Kate finished working for Hess about 3 weeks ago, everyone got together and had a little meal in a Japanese restaurant. Great food, even the oysters, which needed a spicier sauce, but good all the same.

I did this my first summer, missed it the following summer and 31st of May this year I did it again. The weather was crazy, mixture of rain, wind and sun! I got a sunburn and soaking wet in the same day. Wonderful food on offer and we tried most of it.

That's all.



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