Saturday, November 12

Killer and Kate

We adopted a fish, but no ordinary fish, from Tom and Grainne. It's more than a salt-water fish, it kills! The story goes that it scared the other fish to death. Tom found these condemned fish lying outside the fish tank wanting nothing more from this cruel watery world.
So today Killer lives on his own, and with a reputed memory span of 3 seconds is as happy as a fish in salt-water!

Killer is watching us, ready to pounce, if he feels his personal space is being violated.

"BOO! Ha ha ha ha, got you.." He says to himself.

The domain he commands with a fin of iron.

Oi, what you looking at... Do you want some?

Killer eye view.

Kate wonders at how such a beautifully hung blind could have been installed before she met me?

Make-up is applied. Quickly, we have places to go!



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